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Benefits of Papaya Leaf

1. Papaya
Papaya is a fruit plant that is widely cultivated in the world.

Papaya seeds can survive and have viability for years if stored dry, making it very possible for this plant to spread through seeds.

The Latin/scientific name for papaya is Carica papaya L. Papaya is a dicotyledonous plant which is a member of the Caricaceae family and is closely related to Passifloraceae.

Papaya plants are widely distributed throughout the world, especially in warm tropical and subtropical areas. This plant requires irrigation and abundant rainfall, but is also supported by a good drainage system

2. Benefits of papaya leaves
1. Has the potential to increase platelets
A rodent-based study in the journal Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine shows the benefits of papaya leaves in increasing platelets in dengue fever patients.

2. Has potential as a cancer drug
Research in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology states that papaya leaves have the potential to inhibit cancer cells in the breast, skin and prostate. The active compounds in papaya leaves are cytotoxic, which can kill cancer cells by destroying these cells.

3. Provides energy for the body
If you are trying to lose weight, papaya leaves might be a variant of your diet. Apart from carbohydrates, these leaves also contain fiber which can keep you full longer and suppress the desire to snack.

4. Fight fungal infections

Researchers also found this antifungal in papaya leaf extract. The ethanolic, flavonoid, alkaloid and terpene content of papaya leaves provides benefits in inhibiting Fusarium spp. and C. gloeosporioides.

The antifungal properties of these leaves are not that strong. However, there is potential for its development in the future as a fungus eradicating drug.

5. Overcoming inflammation

For a long time, people have used papaya leaves to treat this inflammation.

Researchers also looked at the benefits of papaya leaves and the results showed that papaya leaf extract could reduce inflammation and swelling in mice with arthritis.

This benefit comes from the antioxidant content, such as papain and flavonoids in papaya leaves.

3. Contents in papaya leaves

Many people process papaya leaves into various dishes because they are believed to provide health benefits.

This is because the leaves are also rich in nutritional content.

In 100 grams of papaya leaves, there are various nutrients including:
• Protein: 8.0 grams.
• Fat: 2.0 grams.
• Carbohydrates: 11.9 grams.
• Fiber: 1.5 grams.
• Calcium: 353 mg.
• Phosphorus: 63 mg.
• Iron: 0.8 mg.
• Sodium: 4 mg.
• Potassium: 926.6 mg.
• Copper: 0.20 mg.
• Zinc: 1.5 mg.
• Beta-Carotene: 5,409 mcg.
• Thiamin (Vitamin B1): 0.15 mg.
• Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 0.50 mg.
• Niacin (Vitamin B3): 1.9 mg.
• Vitamin C: 140 mg.


You can get the benefits of these leaves by adding papaya leaf dishes to your daily diet.

Not only as a side dish for lunch, you can also process papaya leaves as juice or papaya leaf tea.

This rodent-based study did not show any liver health problems.

Even so, further research is needed regarding the effects of these leaves. Especially in people with certain health problems.

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