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The Difference Between Education Savings and Education Insurance ~ Akademi Asuransi

Although often considered the same, it turns out that the definition and concept of education insurance is different from education savings. Education insurance is a financial product that offers financial protection for children’s education in the event of a risk. Meanwhile, education savings only offer benefits in the form of a means of saving money and low-risk investments that are intended for educational purposes.

Below are some of the basic differences between education savings and education insurance.

Education savings

  • Savings interest is only around 3-6% so it is more suitable to be invested in the short term between 2-5 years.
  • There are administrative fees charged to customers as well as regular bank savings.
  • There is insurance covered by the bank, but the sum insured is small.
  • The level of risk is small.
  • The process is easier.

Education insurance

  • The results from raising funds can be greater than education savings, because your funds are invested by insurance companies
  • If the insured dies, the heirs will receive dependents plus the investment returns. Suppose you are registered with a dependents policy of 100 million, with a maturity of 10 years of saving, but for some reason you die when the maturity of your savings is only 5 years. Then the heirs will get funds amounting to 100 million plus the investment value managed by the insurance company from the premiums you pay each month.
  • This investment is long term, because you will not get investment returns in the first 5 years, after the first 5 years you will get investment returns.
  • The acquisition cost charged is relatively large.
  • The risks faced are greater than education savings.

So, which one do you prefer?

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