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AAUI: Claiming Death Insurance is Not as Easy as Suspect Wahyu Suhada imagined

The chairman of the Indonesian General Insurance Association (AAUI), Bekasi Branch, Aditya Yohan Kusuma, said that insurance companies can terminate contracts or continue premiums on insurance customers of suspect Wahyu Suhada (35) alias WS. According to Aditya, claiming death insurance with a value of tens of billions of rupiah is not as easy as imagined by WS.

WS is known to be the mastermind behind the engineering of death reports in order to claim insurance with a total of Rp 15 billion from four life insurance companies.

“With this incident, the insurance company can terminate the customer’s contract or continue the customer’s premium. However, it is very likely that the contract will be terminated due to bad faith and against the law, through a plan to fabricate his death report,” said Aditya Yohan Kusuma when contacted on Saturday (11/6/2022).

It is known that WS is eyeing insurance claims with a total of Rp 15 billion from four life insurance companies, namely Astra Life, Allianz, FWD and Mega Life.

This plan can be dismantled by the Police when WS colleagues report a traffic accident that caused WS to disappear and drown in Kalimalang, Hegarmukti Village, Central Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency on Saturday, June 4, 2022.

According to Aditya, although WS and his three colleagues managed to manipulate his death and make a death report to the police, insurance claims are not easy to disburse to their customers.

“There will be a team of surveyors who will verify and validate in the field to ensure that the customer has indeed died. So, the process is not as easy as imagined by the maker of the death engineering,” he explained.

He added, with a total life insurance claim reaching Rp 15 billion, it can be estimated that the premium payment by a customer. “At least, one policy is around Rp. 20 million per year. And, such conditions are rather rare, one person has four death insurance policies at once,” he concluded.

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