Insurance And Emergency Fund What's the Difference?

What is the difference between Insurance and Emergency Fund?
Similar but not the same, similar but different in use, similar but equally important, which one should come first?
Insurance is our effort / endeavor to mitigate risks, whether it’s the risk of being sick so Qodarulloh must be hospitalized, or the risk of certainty (death) that will happen to everyone.
Emergency Fund used if there is an emergency that requires spending money as quickly as possible on the same day and if the implementation is delayed there will be consequences afterwards.
Whereas Emergency Fund For example, for example, your car that is used to make money every day is damaged, so it can’t come back to life, so you have to fix it, if you don’t fix it quickly, you can’t work.
Now, Insurance and Emergency Fund are equally important for us to have, which is the question which one should come first?
In our opinion, the first mandatory health insurance that must be owned immediately because we never know our health conditions in the future, at least you have BPJS.
If your finances are sufficient, you can have private insurance, many options are tailored to your budget, such as PRUSolusi Sehat Syariah insurance, starting from 280 thousand * you already have Full Cover health insurance.
After you have enough health insurance and you are able to pay the premiums according to the agreement in the policy, then you should save for an emergency fund.
Do you already have insurance and an emergency fund?

PRUSolusi Sehat Syariah is a health insurance product that provides a complete and flexible solution for health protection by PAYING BENEFITS ACCORDING TO HOSPITAL BILLS.
The BEST Health Insurance Products today.
best because:
Cheap Premium
FLEXIBLE choice of rooms, namely 1 or 2 beds
Cover hospital fees ON BILLING for 365 days per year.
Limit maintenance Up to 99THN.
Benefits of Outpatient Cancer and ODC (ONE DAY CARE)
2 doctor visits per day.
the submission method is very easy, ANYTIME and ANYWHERE, Can be without FACE-TO-FACE
GET THE PREMIUM ESTIMATION IMMEDIATELY, starting from 280 thousand / month
the submission method is very easy, ANYTIME and ANYWHERE, Can be without FACE-TO-FACE
GET THE PREMIUM ESTIMATION IMMEDIATELY, starting from 280 thousand / month sharia insurance
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