Saran Pencarian

Young Age, No Insurance Needed!

Young age, no need for insurance!!.. who said that young people should have insurance, because there are many reasons why young people need insurance, let’s review them one by one.

1.More Affordable Premium

Having insurance at a young age is certainly different in premiums with old age, The reason is that young people are considered to have a lower risk than older people.

2. Opportunity to be accepted by insurance companies is greater

How not a big chance, try to compare it with older people, young people certainly have better health than those who have more. Remember that entering insurance is not only able to pay premiums but also must be healthy. Many people have the ability to pay premiums but cannot have insurance because of illness.

3. Forms of Responsibility

The form of responsibility for oneself, by having insurance, is no longer a bother to parents if the risk of life comes.

4.Better Financial Planning

By having insurance, young people are certainly taught to be disciplined, organized and of course understand the importance of having insurance that can prevent them from financial losses due to life risks.

That’s why a young age is better to have insurance, look for insurance that suits your needs, such as the following PRUSolusi Sehat Syariah insurance.

PRUSolusi Sehat Syariah is a health insurance product that provides a complete and flexible solution for health protection by PAYING BENEFITS ACCORDING TO HOSPITAL BILLS.
The BEST Health Insurance Products today.
best because:

Cheap Premium
FLEXIBLE choice of rooms, namely 1 or 2 beds
Cover hospital fees ON BILLING for 365 days per year.
Limit maintenance Up to 99THN.
Benefits of Outpatient Cancer and ODC (ONE DAY CARE)
2 doctor visits per day.

the submission method is very easy, ANYTIME and ANYWHERE, Can be without FACE-TO-FACE
GET THE PREMIUM ESTIMATION IMMEDIATELY, starting from 280 thousand / month sharia insurance
Wa 085781083314

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