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Claim 534 Million Full Cover By Black Card Prudential

The name of the risk will never know when it will happen, just at home it can happen. The following customer claims occurred due to an accident falling from the stairs at home, so they had to undergo surgery on both knees.

Alhamdulillah, all covered by Prudential amounting to 534,024,097 this amount of money can buy a house or a vehicle that is quite luxurious.

So customers undergoing treatment must be treated for 5 days and left knee surgery costs 247,486,047. After one month, he had to perform surgery on the right knee with the same diagnosis and cost 286,538,036.

By doing surgery for 2 times the cost was 534,024,097 all Full cover Prudential. Enough with Prudential black card.

It’s okay to have insurance, never make claims, rather than want to claim not to have insurance.

Let’s not delay to have insurance.

Prudential has launched a Pure Health Insurance product and is the BEST TRADITIONAL Insurance today, namely PRUSolusi Sehat Syariah.

best because:
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FLEXIBLE choice of rooms, namely 1 or 2 beds
Cover hospital fees ON BILLING for 365 days per year.
Limit maintenance Up to 99THN.
Benefits of Outpatient Cancer and ODC (ONE DAY CARE)
2 doctor visits per day.
the submission method is very easy, ANYTIME and ANYWHERE, Can be without FACE-TO-FACE

GET YOUR PREMIUM ESTIMATION IMMEDIATELY, starting from 280,000.-/month


PRUPRIME HEALTHCARE PLUS SHARIA is an additional health insurance product that provides a complete and flexible solution for health protection with PAYMENT OF BENEFITS ACCORDING TO HOSPITAL BILLS.
The BEST Health Insurance Products today.

best because:
Cheap Premium
FLEXIBLE choice of rooms, namely 1 or 2 beds
Cover hospital fees ON BILLING for 365 days per year.
Limit maintenance Up to 99THN.
Benefits of Outpatient Cancer and ODC (ONE DAY CARE)
2 doctor visits per day.
the submission method is very easy, ANYTIME and ANYWHERE, Can be without FACE-TO-FACE

GET YOUR PREMIUM ESTIMATION IMMEDIATELY, starting from 14,000.-/DAY sharia insurance
Wa 085781083314

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