Sinarmas Insurance: Products, How to Check Balance, How to Claim, etc
Check out more information about Sinarmas Asuransi, ranging from products, benefits, how to claim, how to check balances, and more below!
PT Asuransi Sinarmas started operations on May 27, 1985 under the name PT Asuransi Sinarmas Dipta. In 1991, this insurance changed its name to Sinarmas Insurance—also known as Simas Insurance—until now.
In order to expand its business reach, Sinarmas Asuransi collaborates with several companies such as Munich, Switzerland, Hannover, Tugu, National, Marein, and others. Currently, Asuransi Sinarmas has 1 head office, 33 branch offices, 1 Sharia branch office, 71 Marketing offices, and also 107 marketing points .
As a general insurance company, Asuransi Simas offers a variety of insurance products, which are as follows:
The first insurance product is health and accident insurance. As the name implies, this insurance has the benefit of protection against various risks related to health and accident incidents.
The insurance products they have include:
- Simas Healthy Gold
- Simas Sehat Executive
- Seamus Healthy Income
- Simas Personal Accident
2. Car Insurance
Meanwhile, for those of you car owners who want to insure their vehicles, Sinarmas has car insurance products that consist of 2 types, namely:
- Comprehensive (All Risk)
- Total Loss Only (TLO)
3. Guarantee Insurance
Asuransi Simas also provides insurance products at business people and other business people. This insurance is called underwriting insurance.
The guarantee insurance products offered include:
- Credit Insurance
- Trade Credit Insurance
- Bid Bond
- Performance Bond
- Advance Payment Bond
- Maintenance Bond
- Custom Bond
- Excise Bond
- Cons of Bank Guarantee
4. Liability Insurance
The next insurance product is Liability Insurance. There are several types of liability insurance, namely:
- Comprehensive General Liability
- Directors and Officers Liability
- Product Liability
- Public Liability
- Workmen’s Compensation
5. Simas Engineering Insurance
Simas Engineering Insurance is designed to provide protection against the risk of loss in engineering-related activities such as the construction of office buildings, factories, roads, bridges, dams.
The protection in question is financial guarantee so that technical work is not disturbed even though there is damage or loss of the object of coverage.
Asuransi Simas also offers protection against property insurance, ranging from houses, shop houses, to office buildings from various risks of damage due to factors such as natural disasters, fires, and riots.
Its insurance products include:
- Saving House Simas ++
- Simas Ruko
- Property All Risks
- Industrial All Risks
- Business Interruption
- Growing Trees Insurance
- Riot and Riot Insurance
7. Terrorism and Sabotage Insurance
One of the advantages of this insurance is the existence of terrorism and sabotage insurance products. As the name implies, this insurance provides protection against the risk of loss caused by acts of terrorism or sabotage.
Transport insurance provides protection against loss or damage to goods when transported by ship. This insurance is divided into 3 (three) types, namely:
- Marine Cargo
- Marine Hull
- Simas Ship
9. Aviation Insurance
This Simas Insurance product is intended to provide guaranteed protection for aircraft repair and maintenance costs.
Satellite insurance is an insurance product that guarantees protection against losses experienced by a company that launches a satellite.
This satellite insurance coverage guarantee includes:
Launch preparation
Satellite ignition at launch
An agreed-upon orbit
11. Micro Insurance
Another insurance product from Asuransi Simas is micro insurance. This insurance includes:
- Farmer Simas
- Simas Protection
- Micro Healthy Simas
- Micro Student Simas
- Simas my house
12. Sharia Insurance
For those of you who are looking for Sharia-based insurance, Sinarmas Asuransi also has Sharia insurance products with the following mechanisms:
- Tabarru contract
- Tijarah contract
- Wakalah bil Ujrah contract
- Mudharabah contract
13. Other Miscellaneous Insurance
There are many other insurance products owned by Sinarmas Asuransi, which include:
- Simas Hole in One
- Simas Pet Insurance
- Simas Bike
- Simas Ticket Cancellation
- Banking Simas
- Money Insurance
- Golf Indemnity
- Plate Glass
- Burglary
- Cell phone insurance
Sinarmas Insurance Premium Cost
The amount of Sinarmas insurance premiums varies, depending on the insurance product and benefit coverage you choose.
In order to become a Sinarmas insurance participant, there are three requirements that you must fulfill:
- Minimum age 1 month and maximum 59 years or 75 years for renewal
- Prepare personal identity in the form of photocopies of ID cards/KITAS and attachments of examination results
- Fill out the Simas Insurance participant registration form
How to Buy a Sinarmas Insurance Policy
How to buy a Sinarmas insurance policy can be through an insurance agent, or come directly to the head office or branch. In addition, you can also buy insurance policies through the Sinarmas Online application.
If you want to claim Lippo insurance benefits, there are four ways you can do it, namely:
- Through Sinarmas Online Insurance
- Ask a telemarketing agent for help
- Asking for help Customer Service
- Come directly to the branch office
How to Check Sinarmas Insurance Balance
There are two ways that customers can check Sinarmas insurance balances, namely:
- Via the official Simas Insurance website
- Contact customer service
- Visiting the head office and branches
That’s the information about Sinarmas Insurance that you need to know. Hope it is useful!
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