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ETiQa Insurance: Products, Benefits, How to Claim, How to Stop, etc.

eTiQa Insurance is a general insurance service company with a variety of insurance products that you can choose for the best financial protection, both for yourself and your beloved family.

Find out more about this provider general insurance , from products, benefits, to requirements to become an insurance participant and others below!

What is eTiQa Insurance?

ETiQa Insurance is a general insurance company under the auspices of Maybank Group. In its country of origin, namely Malaysia, the company, which started operating in 2005, has two subsidiaries, namely eTiQa Insurance Berhad and eTiQa Takaful Berhad.

In its development, eTiQa has expanded its business to a number of countries in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. As of 2017, the Maybank Group acquired PT Asuransi Asoka Mas which was followed up by changing the company name to PT Asuransi eTiQa Internasional Indonesia and having obtained a business license from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) with the number KEP-119/NB. 11/2019.

ETiQa Insurance Products and Benefits

As explained earlier, eTiQa as a general insurance company has a variety of insurance products that you can choose according to your needs. The insurance products in question are as follows:

1. Car Insurance

Car insurance is a product that is intended to provide protection for vehicles. For car insurance, there are 2 (two) kinds of protection benefits offered, namely:

  • Insurance benefits for repairing car damage without a physical check first
  • Taxi allowance benefits as long as the car is repaired at the workshop (maximum 3 days)

2. Property Insurance

eTiQa Indonesia also has property insurance products that you can choose to provide protection for property assets such as houses, shop houses, buildings, and so on. The benefits include:

  • Coverage for fire damage costs
  • Additional benefits in the form of property damage coverage due to natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, etc.)

3. Personal Accident Insurance

As the name implies, personal accident insurance provides insurance coverage for the risk of accidents. The benefits of this insurance are as follows:

  • Coverage for hospital care costs when you have an accident
  • Insurance policies can be applied worldwide

4. Travel Insurance

For those of you who need travel insurance, eTiQa also offers travel insurance products with benefits in the form of financial coverage for a number of travel-related risks such as:

  • Flight delay
  • Lost items
  • Accident on the way

5. Construction Insurance

This insurance provides protection against risks related to construction activities. The benefits consist of:

  • Insurance coverage for losses that occur during the construction process
  • The object of coverage is in the form of construction machinery, heavy equipment, and electrical systems

6. Hull Marine Insurance

This insurance is intended to provide protection for marine components against all risks of damage that occur during operation. The benefits provided include:

  • Insurance coverage for damage due to bad weather, fire, until the ship sinks
  • Insurance coverage for the cost of the rescue or evacuation process in the event of an accident

ETiQa Insurance Premium Price

The price of eTiQa insurance premiums varies, depending on the following factors:

  • Selected insurance product
  • Profile of the policyholder or the insured (age, occupation, gender, medical history, etc.)
  • Type and value of assets to be insured
  • Scope of benefits

For more information about the amount of insurance premiums, you can directly contact the call center eTiQa Indonesia, which we will inform you at the end of the article.

ETiQa Insurance Participation Requirements

There are a number of requirements that you must meet so that the registration process runs smoothly and you can immediately become an insurance policy holder so that you can get various benefits.

These conditions include:

  • Identity card (KTP/KITAS, etc.)
  • Life insurance membership registration form
  • Informing savings account

In addition, you must also meet other requirements such as minimum and maximum age. Each insurance product has a different minimum and maximum age. You can ask this directly to the insurance agent or officer call center .

How to Buy eTiQa Insurance

How to buy eTiQa insurance is relatively the same as insurance providers in general, namely you can go through an official insurance agent that has been appointed. In addition, you can also come directly to the branch office or head office.

Make sure to bring complete required documents when you want to buy insurance so you don’t have to go back and forth. That way, you can save time and effort.

How to Pay eTiQa Insurance Premiums

After officially becoming an insurance participant, you are required to pay premiums according to the insurance package that has been selected. There are several choices of premium payment methods, namely:

  • Car debit account
  • Credit card auto debit
  • Virtual Account
  • bank transfer

How to Claim eTiQa Insurance

The method of claiming eTiQa Insurance is also not much different from other insurance providers , which are as follows:

  • Submit a claim a maximum of 5×24 hours
  • Attach the claim requirements document
  • The process of verification and review of losses by the insurance company
  • If approved, the insurer will cover the loss suffered by the insured

The claim requirements document in question depends on the type of claim. For example, to claim car insurance benefits, the required documents include:

  • Claim form
  • Insurance policy document attachment
  • Driver’s License (SIM)
  • Motorized Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK)
  • Motorized Vehicle Owner’s Book (BPKB)
  • Insured’s ID card
  • Accident Certificate from the Police
  • Accident loss report
  • Loss Letter (when the car is lost)
  • Third Party Claim Letter (if any)

Make sure you complete these documents before submitting a claim so that everything goes smoothly.

How to Stop eTiQa Insurance

For those of you who are already insurance participants and want to quit, here’s how to apply for cancellation or closure of an insurance policy:

  • Contact the call center, insurance agent, or come directly to the branch office. Then, convey your wish to close the policy
  • Fill in the application form for closing the policy
  • Attach a number of required documents such as a claim submission letter, insurance card, identity card, proof of premium payment, and other requirements

eTiQa . Insurance Information Service

The following are some eTiQa insurance information service media that you need to know:

  • Call Center: (021) 2926 1801
  • Facsimile: (021) 2926 1810
  • Email:
  • Headquarters: Indosurya Life Center, 2nd floor, Jl. MH Thamrin No. 8-9 RT 005/01, Kb. Jasmine, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 10230

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